Petite Terre excursion


A reserve is a sensitive site.
We ask that you read the rules of good conduct available here*

As part of coral protection, we ask our customers to use “mineral” or
respectueuse des océans sunscreen. These products are available in our office.

Departure from Marina (Saint-François)

– Appointment at 7:15 am
– In your bag: swimwear, towel, hat, sunglasses, mask and snorkel
– Sun protection: Bio/mineral sunscreen and/or tee-shirt/lycra
Boat Trip ( 1h30 )
– Trolling
– Manoeuvre of the boat (optional)
– Restroom on board
– Dolphins and whales when it’s the season
On board you will have the opportunity to observe the coast up to the Pointe des Châteaux and La Désirade.
Or by phone :
0690 38 58 28
0690 65 53 55 


120 € per adult
100 € per child -12 years old
40 € baby (- 2 years old)
Arrival to Petite Terre
We arrive to the lagoon of Petite Terre, protected by the Corals reef… we’re in Paradise !!
Refreshments are welcome…
The Instructions about the natural reserv have to be listened carefully !!

A visit to the island on the educational trail will be offered in the morning as well as a snorkeling aquatic supervision in the lagoon the morning and afternoon.

Meal served under the coconut trees with the iguanas visit. Be careful to not feed them
– Snorkeling
– Ballads (we propose guided tour)
– Open Bar.
Back to Saint François
at 5:30 pm
Fresh ananas and drinks will be served.  
Or by phone :
0690 38 58 28
0690 65 53 55


History of Petite Terre


Located  8km to the East of La Pointe des Chateaux, isles of Petite Terre, represent a wonderful sea and terrestrial ecologian set.
The richness of Petite Terre comes from the presence of the most important population of Iguanas in the Lesser Antilles, nesting area for many species of marine turtles, and small protected trees with very dense wood called  « Guaiac », wich seemed to have disappared from the Lesser Antilles.
Petite Terre Island is appreciated for its beaches, sea grass,  coral reefs, saline water, submarine fauna :
–  Elkhorn Coral
– Brain Coral
– Giant anemone
– Bishop Ray, stingray
– Royal lobster
– Shitty Trooper(black and blue)
– Colas
– Squirrelfish
– Smooth Trunkfish
– Chinese Trumpetfish
– Green Turtle, Hawksbill turtle
– Nursery of Lemon Shark

Terrestrial fauna of Petite Terre

– Iguane ( delicatissima )
– Goldenscale Anole
– Least Tern
– Ruddy Turnstone
– American oyster
– Spotted Sandpiper
– Limicole
– Purslane
– Rosemary
– Seagrape
– Mamaminier
– White Cedar
– Gaïac